A 32-year-old computer operator in Surat, India, severed four fingers of his left hand due to work stress and family pressure to remain employed. He initially claimed an assault, but police investigation revealed the self-inflicted act. He confessed, leading police to the discarded fingers and knife. No legal action will be taken against him.
A 32-year-old computer operator in Surat, India, severed four fingers of his left hand due to work stress and family pressure to remain employed. He initially claimed an assault, but police investigation revealed the self-inflicted act. He confessed, leading police to the discarded fingers and knife. No legal action will be taken against him. A 32-year-old computer operator in Surat, India, severed four fingers of his left hand due to work stress and family pressure to remain employed. He initially claimed an assault, but police investigation revealed the self-inflicted act. He confessed, leading police to the discarded fingers and knife. No legal action will be taken against him. Read More