India’s stock marker regulator Sebi took action against YouTuber Ravindra Balu Bharti and his company, Ravindra Bharti Education Institute. The regulatory body has barred them from participating in the securities market until April 4, 2025, for allegedly running an unregistered investment advisory business.
India’s stock marker regulator Sebi took action against YouTuber Ravindra Balu Bharti and his company, Ravindra Bharti Education Institute. The regulatory body has barred them from participating in the securities market until April 4, 2025, for allegedly running an unregistered investment advisory business. India’s stock marker regulator Sebi took action against YouTuber Ravindra Balu Bharti and his company, Ravindra Bharti Education Institute. The regulatory body has barred them from participating in the securities market until April 4, 2025, for allegedly running an unregistered investment advisory business. Read More